with the bloggers - Plami - fashion thrill; Sianna - chocolate sarcasm; Eli - Mademoiselle E. & Reni - lifestyle-vogue

I am wearing Levi's customized shirt; Bershka leather leggings; dad's knit;
shoe aquarium shoes
A little late but I had to share some photos from last week's Benetton fashion show.
It was amazing, the knit trend turns out to be really hot this winter and I totally love it.
I also had the chance to meet some new bloggers which always excites me.
You can check Benetton's winter collection here.
Tonight there's a Halloween party I'm attending and right now I'm preparing my costume.
There are many photos from the past weekend. Being 18 is so fun!
But that's for now. We'll see how it goes. xx